Howard Storm
Tom Tenowich & Ed Scharlach
February 14, 1980
Henderson Production Company, Miller-Milkis Productions, Paramount Television
ABC (television), Paramount Home Video (DVD)
Nelson Flavor
Mr. Bickley
Remo DaVinci
Jeanie DaVinci
Mrs. Thompson
Day Care Kid
Day Care Kid
Day Care Kid
Day Care Kid
Day Care Kid
Day Care Kid
Day Care Kid
Day Care Kid
When Nelson is allotted a Saturday, 7:00 a.m. time to make a political speech, Mindy warns him that he had better talk about something of interest to children. Mork, who is working as a play leader at a day care center, volunteers to ask his kids for suggestions. But Nelson isn't into lion taming, animal noises or anything else on their list, so all his friends jump in to help. Mork invites his young charges to the program, on which he teaches them The Shazbot Blues. Mindy sings I Won't Grow Up, Bickley juggles, Remo uses the children's drawings in a unique commercial for Nelson, and Jean performs The Frog Lake Ballet with Mork. Then, to everyone's surprise, Nelson makes a big hit with the young audience.
Well, Mind, I was going to take that up to the attic, unless you would like it as a little knick-knack or a tchotchke.
Well, Mork, my knick-knack shelf has a one-ton weight limit. And I want to know how you're going to get that up the stairs.
Well, there was no trouble bringing it home... well, not exactly no trouble. Y'know that taco stand at the bottom of that real steep hill?
Well, it has a drive-thru service now.
[juggling] I learned to juggle in the Army. I used to do this with hand grenades. [he drops one] That's how I got out. La-la-laaaa!
Los Angeles, CA
Boulder, CO